At Texarkana Care Clinic - Texas, we understand how concerning it is to find out you may have been exposed to HIV or any other infectious disease. You’ve probably heard that no cure for HIV/AIDS has been developed yet, and this information may be causing some anxiety. We want you to know that there is hope.
While no cure currently exists to remove HIV from the body, modern medicine affords our patients with excellent treatment options that allow you to live a fulfilling and happy life.
You are not alone, and you are not hopeless. Please give us a call to schedule an initial HIV/AIDS screening appointment if you have not already done so, and your doctor will explain the process, answer your questions, and tell you about the treatments we have available.
We have several effective treatments for Hepatitis C. If you suffer from this disease or believe you may have contracted it, please give us a call. Even if you do not show symptoms, it is crucial to be tested for Hepatitis C if you have any reason at all to believe you’ve been exposed to it because treatments provide the best help when caught early.
Our medical care providers can administer testing, help determine the right treatment, and answer any questions you have.
Call Texarkana Care Clinic - Texas to schedule an appointment today.