Paris Care Clinic

Phone: (903) 785-0078

Fax: (903) 784-7502

Address: 3150 Clarksville St, Ste. 300, Paris, TX 75460

Behavioral Health and Children’s Counseling Services

We treat a wide range of behavioral health care needs. These may include mental health disorders, physical health disorders, and substance abuse disorders. Whether you suffer from anxiety, depression, ADHD, diabetes, obesity, or substance abuse, we are here to help by offering integrated treatment. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a behavioral health specialist or learn more about our service, please contact us anytime. Our goal is to help you not only learn to live but thrive in every facet of your life.

Substance Abuse Services

Substance use disorder is not just a habit or addiction. It is a disease. It cannot be treated with a simple detox but requires comprehensive treatment. Many who have gone through detox or rehab still experience relapse, not because of a lack of self-control, but because, like all diseases, treatment is much more complex than choosing to make the right choices.

That’s why at the Paris Care Clinic, we bring an integrated approach to substance use disorder treatment. With the use of medication, counseling, and crisis and stress management, we can serve our patients in a unique way. Our treatments address the overall health of the whole person.

If you would like to schedule a behavioral health or substance use disorder appointment at the Paris Care Clinic, please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Phone: (903) 501-1747