Say goodbye to gaps in your smile with dental bridge services from Longview Care Clinic. Our dentists offer affordable dental bridges that seamlessly fill the gaps left by missing teeth.
Using the latest techniques and high-quality materials, our Longview, TX, dental office creates natural-looking and durable bridges that let you smile with confidence.
Call now to make your dental bridge appointment.
Our dentists craft a fixed dental bridge by creating crowns for the adjacent teeth and an artificial tooth in between. These components are fused into one piece and then securely cemented onto the neighboring teeth.
Cantilever bridges are used when there is a missing tooth and teeth on only one side are available for support. Similar to traditional bridges, but in this case, the artificial tooth is supported by a dental crown on only one side of the gap.
These bridges are best for areas of the mouth that experience less stress like the front teeth. They consist of an artificial tooth held in place by a metal or porcelain framework. The framework is bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth with wings.
We offer affordable dental bridges. They are a reliable solution with a relatively lower upfront cost.
Our dental bridge procedures are usually quick and non-invasive so you experience minimal discomfort and a shorter recovery time.
Our dental bridge specialists use high-quality materials and modern dental technology, so your dental bridge is crafted with precision.
We don’t just offer dental bridges. Explore our other dental services like dental crowns and fillings and more.